Friday, May 8, 2015

May the fourth be with you

This week saw May the fourth, a pseudo-holiday for Star Wars aficionados, Cinco de Mayo, an actual holiday in some locations, and May the seventh, the day the AP Computer Science Exam was given, the final one of my teaching career. In an interesting side note, I was not anywhere near the exam room when it was given. The College Board does not want teachers of a given subject anywhere near the testing room, lest they see some of the questions or help a student, I guess. So during AP Exam weeks (there are 2) we hire exam proctors whose sole job it is to deal with handling, supervising, and collecting all the AP exams we give (which is a LOT). In addition to AP testing we have FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) and EOCs (end of course) exams, so we (at least the high school) are up to our eyeballs in testing. Since I knew this was coming I had my astronomy students working on presentations for their 4th quarter astronomer biographies.

This has also been Teacher Appreciation Week (my last) and our parents have shown once again that they are the best. No really. At least when it comes to food and feeding us. We have enjoyed daily repasts of breakfast, lunches and dessert (ice cream). They have been doing this for years now and it never gets old for us teachers. The food is wonderful and the chance to sit and talk with others that I don't normally get to, is also appreciated.

I went to see a 5th grade class do water rocket launches today. The students, in teams, had designed, one per team, and built a rocket using a 2 liter bottle as the fuselage. They then launched the rocket using a special launcher that controls the process and is safe to use when used properly. I enjoyed seeing them liftoff in a rush, only to spend their fuel and drift slowly back to earth.

I have noticed that the closer we get to the end of the year, the more comments I get from others about my impending retirement. I don't bring it up. They do. The cutest is the office assistant who reminds me, "Your days are numbered." Many people ask me "How many days?" I reply with "June 2nd. All I know is June 2nd." A few tell me that they are envious of me and my retirement. I must admit I have mixed emotions. I am having a terrific year. Great kids, classes I enjoy, and a full paycheck ;-) Although I do have the eclipse to look forward to in retirement.It will be BIG!

So remember, Go See The Eclipse And Take a Kid with You.

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